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Summer Splash Science Day in Public Square

Get ready for Science Day in Cleveland Public Square! Summer Splash fun is now expanding to weekends and on Saturday, June 10, we're partnering with The Great Lakes Science Center for a family-friendly Science Day. It's a day full of kid-friendly science activities and fun!

Some of the events include:

11am-3pm – “It’s Electric” demonstration. Watch the effects of electricity as “lightning” dances to music with our mini-Tesla coil. Make a circuit with your bodies using energy sticks and get “charged up” and learn about static electricity as you interact with our Van de Graaff generator.

11am-3pm - Flashlight Make & Take Activity Investigate circuits and electricity to engineer your very own working flashlight from common items.

11am-12pm Dr. UR Awesome will be bringing his world record breaking bubble magic (it's really science!) to Public Square.

Noon – “Cryoblast” Big Science Show Just how cold is liquid nitrogen? We highlight the amazing effects of extreme cold temperatures and what happens when materials changes states.

11am-3pm - Charles White of Paragon TEC, Inc. Explore NASA’s new “Moon Rocket.” Mr. White is currently working on the Artemis Program and will be staffing a NASA booth display about the Universal Stage Adapter (USA), one of the key components of the crewed cargo version of the Space Launch System (SLS), NASA’s new heavy lift launch vehicle (HLLV) that will return astronauts to the Moon and beyond. The USA will connect Orion crew capsule to the Exploration Upper Stage (EUS) of the SLS rocket that will be used on the upcoming Artemis III mission.

And the Cleveland Water Department will be here to show the magic of drinking water with demos and activies.

We'll also have a kid-friendly DJ, food trucks, games and our splash pad is open!


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