Sure, there are plenty of social media channels out there but we want to share a few reasons why you should connect with @CLEPublicSquare on Instagram. From our vantage point, you get to see all things CLE! We've compiled a list to showcase Public Square, and we're inviting you to connect with us to show your love of Cleveland. First, public art displays are one of the main attractions. The LANDFORM Art Wall on the back of Rebol features new artwork every couple of months. See the latest installation and learn more about what inspired the artist by following our posts.
Second, support local businesses! Here at Public Square, we're at the center of it all. We're known to share a shameless plug here and there for our friends that make Cleveland so cool. Especially, our friends at Rebol... which is getting ready for a BIG re-opening the week of July 6th.
Third, did we mention that The Square is a pet-friendly park? We love dogs. We love to share cute pictures of our furry visitors. We only ask that our human friends remember the PUP challenge while your here.
This puppy was a big hit in a recent #FanFavoriteFriday!
Fourth, speaking of #FanFavoriteFriday... we love our visitors. So much, we want to feature your photographs. We've been sharing some AMAZING photographs from around The Square every Friday for a LONG time. If you aren't following us... you've been missing out.
We had to go way back to share this beauty.
Reason number five, this one is last but certainly not least, events! Public Square is the host site for more than 500 events each year. Yoga on The Green has returned, with free sessions every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning. Follow our posts to know who is leading each class, learn more about the instructors, and find out when to sign-up for a class. We'll also keep you informed about other events like Square Sounds, Winterfest, Ice Skating... and much, much, much more! Take a moment to follow us today @CLEPublicSquare, and be sure to use the hashtag #inthesquare when you stop by and take pictures for Instagram.